National News Updates
For news and updates regarding floodplain management issues for ASFPM, FEMA, and other agencies go to the image below.

ASFPM News & Views Newsletter
For the latest version of the Association's newsletter go to the link below. It is printed bi-monthly and includes articles and updates on the Association's activities involving national floodplain management policy, FEMA National and Regional News, the ASFPM Foundation, flood hazard mapping and mitigation issues, and the NFIP.

Community Rating System News
CRS Training Opportunities
CRS Webinar Series: These webinars provide training opportunities to communities that are not yet participating in the Community Rating System or local government staff that are new to the CRS, and to local government staff with experience in the CRS. The Series includes basic introductory sessions and more advanced topics, most averaging about an hour in length.
EMI Courses: Community Rating System (CRS) training opportunities are offered throughout the year at the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA’s) Emergency Management Institute (EMI) and at field-deployed locations. New CRS coordinators are encouraged to attend the 4-day CRS class (E278). The course is free, and travel expenses are covered for those accepted to the EMI.
Videos: These are short 5 to 10 minute videos that provide an overview of the CRS.

Click the image to go to the training resources webpage.
CRS News
The NFIP/CRS Update is a publication of the National Flood Insurance Program’s Community Rating System. It provides local officials and others interested in the CRS with news they can use. Communities are encouraged to copy and/or circulate the Update and to reprint its articles in their own local, state, or regional newsletters. No special permission is needed. Click on the image below and go to the bottom of the landing webpage to find the newsletters in pdf format.