The Conference Team is currently putting together a line-up of speakers from industry, academia, government, and more will be on hand. Additional information on the events and agenda will be coming soon. We anticipate offering 12 credits for CEUs for engineers/CFMs again this year but will have the final credits once ASFPM reviews our final agenda.
Floodplain Management/NFIP Review Class
For those interested, a general NFIP/floodplain management review class will be offered in conjunction with this year’s conference. The class will be offered on Wednesday morning (exact times will be available when the agenda is set). You must either pay for the conference or pay a separate $50 fee if you are not able to attend the conference in order to attend the NFIP/ floodplain management review class.
The CFM exam will not be offered this year due to ASFPM now conducting the exam digitally and can be scheduled at your convenience. For those wanting to take the CFM exam, please contact the Association of Floodplain Managers (ASFPM) or go to their website (ASFPM's Certification Program) to apply.
Registration Instructions and Sponsorship Opportunities
Registration fees for the conference will be $250 for members and $400 for non-members to attend in-person; $150 for members and $300 for non-members to attend virtually. The in-person registration includes lunch and snacks.
Register Online Now
If you prefer to download a conference registration form to complete and mail into AAFM, please use the pdf version of the form here Registration Form -PDF.
***Please note, if you would like to register a guest to attend the socials with you, you can do so through the online registration. You can register them under your registration and pay for them together with your registration. Please make sure to check the box next to the guest to be added to ensure he/she gets registered. Any guests attending with you will be need to pay the $50 registration fee. If you need to pay for your guest separately, there are options to do so:
1. Make two payments online, a partial payment for your registration and make separate payment for guest(s) to complete the balance.
2. Submit paper registration form with separate payments for you and your guest(s).
3. Pay for all or balance difference in person at conference.
We are again offering the opportunity for partnering with AAFM to bring the latest information and advancements for floodplain management and flood risk reduction to Floodplain Managers in Alabama. This conference will bring together our members and colleagues for education, exhibits, networking, a sponsored vendor reception and the Annual Meeting of our organization. This is a great opportunity for your company or organization to support our efforts and at the same time receive valuable exposure. The options for sponsorship are available in the online registration process (preferred by our Treasurer) or by using the attached Conference Registration Form. Your logos will be added to this registration page and in other conference materials once you sign up. Current sponsors are listed below.
If you have any questions, please contact either William Thomas at or Case O'Dell at We look forward to seeing you at the conference.
Hotel Reservation Instructions
The Perdido Beach Resort is currently offering the group rate for the AAFM Conference participants. Below is the reservation link that conference registrants and guests can use to make online reservations. The address for the hotel is:
27200 Perdido Beach Blvd, Orange Beach, AL 36561. General website is:
Information to use for your online reservation below.
Alabama Association of Floodplain Managers
Start date: 10/27/2024
End date: 10/30/2024
Perdido Beach Resort is offering a special group rates starting at $195 per night.
Room Reservations also available by phone at 1-800-634-8001.